Friday, 21 March 2014

Android ListView with Default and Custom Adapter

ListView is an another UI control of Android. ListView is a group of views which display a list of scrollable items. To populate the list item Adapter is used which pulls data from Data Structures like Array, ArrayList etc. or from Database query.

ListView is simple view control.We will see three different example for ListView.

First by extending the ListActivity to display simple ListView.
Second by implementing the ListView in an Activity .
Third by using Custom Adapter to customize the listView.

1. By Extending ListActivity:

Create a new android project in eclipse. For our project we will use project name as “ListViewDemoOne” and the package name as “com.greenman_journey.listviewdemoone”.
Click next ,leave the default selections and click Next. Leave all the details in default state and click Finish.
The newly created project will contain and activity_main.xml files, which are sufficient to demonstrate ListView. We need to change following code ,

public class MainActivity extends Activity {


public class MainActivity extends ListActivity{

and add the following line in imports to import ListActivity or use shortcut as control+o


In xml file we need to add the ListView control. When we are using a ListActivity we need to provide an ID in "@android:id/list" manner. Write the following code snippet in activity_main.xml

       android:background="#80397b" >

If we do not declare ListView in xml file ListActivity pick the default ListView declared in android package.Now we will provide a data source to display on List. We will use an ArrayList to provide data. I have taken countries name for an example as

ArrayList<String>arrayListToDisplay = new ArrayList<String>();
To bind the listview with the data source we need an Adapter. We will be using setListAdapter(adapter) method of ListActivity to display items in ListView. Android SDK provides many implementations of the ListAdapter. Here we will be using the simple ArrayAdapter.To intialize the arrayadapter we need a Context of the class/Application, a layout file android sdk provide some default layout for listview which have names such as simple_list_item_1, simple_list_item_2, and two_line_list_item, we will be using simple_list_item_1 and a data source. So we will initialize adapter as

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter  = new ArrayAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, arrayListToDisplay);

now set this adapter object to list as.

Now we will run the application and will get out similar like

We will implement a click listener on ListView.  We will override the onListItemClick() method of ListActivity. It will help us to identify which item is clicked. Write the following code :

protected void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position, long id) {
super.onListItemClick(listView, view, position, id);
String selectedCountryString = (String) listView.getAdapter().getItem(position);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Selected Country is "+selectedCountryString, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
That all!! The Source Code for above article is available at GitHub.

2. By implementing the ListView in an Activity:

 Create a new android project in eclipse. For our project we will use project name as “ListViewDemoTwo” and the package name as “com.greenman_journey.listviewdemotwo”.
Click next ,leave the default selections and click Next. Leave all the details in default state and click Finish.
The newly created project will contain and activity_main.xml files, which are sufficient to demonstrate ListView. We write following code snippet in activity_main.xml file

<ListView android:id="@+id/listView" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="@color/white" > </ListView> Here we provide id "@+id/listView" manner . It means we are not using SDK default control.
In file we will initialize a ListView Object as 
 private ListView listView = null;
in onCreate method we bind this listView object to the xml object with findViewById as
listView = (ListView)findViewById(;
Now we will provide a data source to display on List. We will use an ArrayList to provide data. I have taken countries name for an example as

ArrayList<String>arrayListToDisplay = new ArrayList<String>();
To bind the listview with the data source we need an Adapter. We will be using setListAdapter(adapter) method of ListActivity to display items in ListView. Android SDK provides many implementations of the ListAdapter. Here we will be using the simple ArrayAdapter.To intialize the arrayadapter we need a Context of the class/Application, a layout file ,we will be using simple_list_item_1 and a data source. So we will initialize adapter as

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter  = new ArrayAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, arrayListToDisplay);

now set this adapter object to list as.

We will implement a click listener on ListView.  We will set a itemClickListner to detect the click on listView as follows
listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> view, View arg1, int position,
long arg3) {
String selectedCountryString = (String) listView.getAdapter().getItem(position);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Selected Country is "+selectedCountryString, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Now we will run the application and will get out similar like:

That all!! The Source Code for ListView in an Activity article is available at GitHub. 

3. By using Custom Adapter to customize the listView:

We can customize the list view as we desired . ArrayAdapter has limitation for customization. To support customization we can use Custom Adapter. To create a custom adapter we need to sub class the BaseAdapter class or need to extend adapter implementation.To prepare a Custom Adapter we need a layout file which will be display on each item in list view.So we will take our step by creating a new Android Application Project. We will be showing Scientist Name ,his award and the year to customize the ListView.
                            Create a new android project in eclipse. For our project we will use project name as “ListViewDemoThree” and the package name as “com.greenman_journey.listviewdemothree”.
Click next ,leave the default selections and click Next. Leave all the details in default state and click Finish.
The newly created project will contain and activity_main.xml files. We write following code snippet in activity_main.xml file

<ListView android:id="@+id/listView" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="@color/white" > </ListView>

Now create a custom layout for child of listView. For displaying the Scientist Name, Award and year we will be needing a layout file with three text views with name child_custom_view.xml as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:padding="5dp" >
        android:textSize="22sp" />
        android:textSize="18sp" />
        android:textSize="18sp" />

We have added three textViews with different ids and there text color and text size. The android best practice is we should use "sp" instead of "dp" for text size.
                                                                   Now we will follow some oops concepts. We will make a class to holds the data from each cell of list view. Create a new class with name ScientistRecord and will be having there local params as scientistName, awardName and yearOfAward. Make getter and setter for all the three params. Eclipse provide a control for making getter setter as select the three params then click Source in tool bar then click Generate Getters and Setters. A pop up will appear click SelectAll and finish.
the class will look like

public class ScientistRecord {

private String scientistName;
private String awardName;
private String yearOfAward;

public String getScientistName() {
return scientistName;
public void setScientistName(String scientistName) {
this.scientistName = scientistName;
public String getAwardName() {
return awardName;
public void setAwardName(String awardName) {
this.awardName = awardName;
public String getYearOfAward() {
return yearOfAward;
public void setYearOfAward(String yearOfAward) {
this.yearOfAward = yearOfAward;

  Now prepare data to display the on list in We will create a method which will return a ArrayList of ScientistRecord Data as follows

    private ArrayList<ScientistRecord> prepareDataForListView() {

    ArrayList<ScientistRecord> dataRecordList = new ArrayList<ScientistRecord>();
    ScientistRecord record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("John Howard Northrop");
    record.setAwardName("Nobel Prize");
    record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("William Giauque");
    record.setAwardName("Nobel Prize");
    record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("Paul Sabatier");
    record.setAwardName("Noble Laureates");
    record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("George Andrew Olah's");
    record.setAwardName("Priestley Medal");
    record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("Sir William Ramsay");
    record.setAwardName("Noble Prize");
    record = new ScientistRecord();
    record.setScientistName("V. Ramakrishnan");
    record.setAwardName("Nobel Prize");
    return dataRecordList;

Now we need to add a CustomAdapter class in our project.For adding we need to right click on package then new then class.A pop up  will appear for naming of class we will name as CustomAdapter click finish. Extend the CustomAdapter class with BaseAdapter class as.
            public class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter                         
CustomAdapter class must implement the inherited abstract methods of  BaseAdapter such as getCount() , getItem(int i), getItemId(int i) and getView(). Now we step by step will give the definition to these methods and also create a constructor for CustomAdapter class which will have two params one is Context and another is the data source. We initialize local variables in constructor as 

public CustomAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<ScientistRecord>list) {
this.context = context;
this.list = list;

the getCount() method is used to tell the adapter how much cell are going to be populated. We  will define it as:
public int getCount() {
return list.size();

the getItemId() method is used to tell the adapter the id of element at particular instance.We will define it as:
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;

the  getItem() method is used to tell the adapter of item at particular instance.We will define it as:
public Object getItem(int position) {
return list.get(position);
 The last method getView is used to define the layout for cell of list view. We will also create a inner class for recycling the cells as:

class PlaceHolder {
TextView scientistNameTextView  ;
TextView awardNameTextView ;
TextView yearOfAwardTextView ;

and will write code for getView methods as:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

PlaceHolder placeHolder ;
if (convertView  == null) {

placeHolder = new PlaceHolder();
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.child_custom_view, parent,false);
placeHolder.scientistNameTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;
placeHolder.awardNameTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
placeHolder.yearOfAwardTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;

placeHolder = (PlaceHolder) convertView.getTag();

ScientistRecord record = list.get(position);

return convertView;

Now in our we will initialize the list view object and make an object of CustomAdapter as
CustomAdapter adapter = new CustomAdapter(MainActivity.this, prepareDataForListView());
Set this adapter to listView as

Give this application a Run. It will look Like
The source code for Custom Adapter is available at GitHub.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Use of Basic Controls of Android

This article will give an example of the three basic controls of Android (EditText , TextView and Button).
We will use EditText for taking inputs from user. We will use TextView for displaying result to user.And we will use Button to perform action by taking input from Edittext and display it to user in TextView. We will also use a Toast to give an alert message to user.

Below is our XML file for adding all the three controls

android:hint="@string/editText_hint" >

android:text="@string/button_txt_show" />

android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />

To listen the click we will implement click listener as:
               button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {


To get the text from EditText below is the code snippet 
String userInput = editText.getText().toString().trim();

And to set the text on TextView below is the code snippet:
textView.setText("Hello!" );

To show Toast messages below is the code snippet. Toast are the short duration alert popups.
Toast.makeText(context,"hi", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

The out put of the three basic controlls would be smiliar to below picture.

The Source Code For the above example is available at BasicControls.


Sunday, 2 March 2014

Creating an Android Application Project.

Creating a Project with Eclipse:
                                                In Eclipse, go to  “File" then "New"  then  “Android Application Project”.

Input application details in the form that appears ,Eclipse will create all the necessary Android project files and configuration.:

Application Name: App name that appears to users. For our sample project, we will use "Hello World".

Project Name: The name of our project directory and the name visible in Eclipse.

Package Name: The package namespace for our app (To name the package follow the rules as packages in the Java programming projects). Package name must be unique across all packages installed on the Android device system. For our project,we use "com.greenman_journey.helloworld." 

Minimum Required SDK: The lowest version(API level) of Android that our application will support.We will leave this set to the default value for our project.

Target SDK: The highest version of Android (API level) .

Compile With: By default, compile with is set to the latest version of Android available in our SDK. 

Theme: Themes use to specifies the Android UI style to apply for our application. We will leave this set to the default value for our project.

Click next ,leave the default selections and click Next. Leave all the details in default state and click Finish.

Now our Android project is set up with some default files and folders . It will look like

To display text we will use two ways : By Layout Xml Files and  By Java File.

Our first approach will be to display text by Layout Xml File.In layout file we will take a TextView and will set it's height and width as shown in picture bellow. The text which is to be display will be written in string.xml file which is located at "/HelloWorld/res/values/strings.xml" . 

Now second approach will be to display text by Java File. In layout file we will give an id to the TextView as shown in picture below.
This view will now be attached to the java file.To display text from java file we will set text from strings.xml file as shown in picture below.

This way our HelloWorld Project is completed.Now to run this project in emulator ,first create a emulator.
Go to "Windows" then “Android Virtual Device Manager (AVD)”

 Fill the details for creating new AVD.  Below the picture will give a example.

After creating the AVD, to launch it click on the avd listed in the screen ,click on "start" a popup will appear ,click launch in it.
To Run the application on emulator Right click on project then click on Run As and then "Android Application"

The Out Put in emulator will look like 

The Source Code For the above example is available at HelloWorld.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Installation of the Android development tool.

First step to Android Application Development.

Selecting an IDE(Integrated Developement Environment ) is primarily based on once personal preferences. As I am a long term Eclipse user, so my primary tooling is Eclipse for Android Development.

The first step to install Java RunTime Environment(JRE). JRE is available at .

Developer Site of Android has provided a packaged and configured Android development environment based on the Eclipse IDE called Android Developer Tools. Under the following URL you find an archive file which includes all required tools for Android development: Getting the Android SDK

Extract the downloaded zip file and start the Android Developer Tools (Eclipse) which are located in the eclipse folder. Open Eclipse by double-clicking on the eclipse native launcher (e.g., eclipse.exe in Windows).

The above steps are include complete installation and configuration of Android Development Ebvironment. 

About Me

INDORE, madhya pradesh, India
Hi, I am Sumit Patel From Indore Madhya Pradesh .Working as an Android Developer Since 2011 . This blog is just to share my experience, as Margaret Fuller say's “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it. ”